Stop closing popup
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Paulo Roberto
2009-12-15 17:41:48 UTC
Hi, is it possible to stop the user on closing the popup by pressing the X
(close) icon? Because the user will have to respond some questions making
him/her to fill some fields before closing and will store the answers on
DB... because it's a alarm system

Is it possible to be done?

Bob Barrows
2009-12-15 18:15:11 UTC
Post by Paulo Roberto
Hi, is it possible to stop the user on closing the popup by pressing
the X (close) icon?
I hope not. If it's possible for you with your legitimate purpose, then
it is surely possible for scummy malware developers ... does no one
remember the days of popup attacks? I for one do not relish a return to
Post by Paulo Roberto
Because the user will have to respond some
questions making him/her to fill some fields before closing and will
store the answers on DB... because it's a alarm system
Silly. You cannot force people to answer your questions. At best you can
encourage them to do so, and maybe reward them if they do, but there is
nothing to stop someone from bringing up task manager and killing your
popup ... again, I really _hope_ there is no way to do that ....
Bob Barrows